Friday, December 14, 2007

A Dirty Three retrospective

Since the show won't be back for the next couple of weeks due to winter break (and my leaving campus tomorrow morning!), I thought I'd share something I found with all you listeners to tide you over. On this music blog, they've started a retrospective of the Dirty Three, a post-rock band I've featured numerous times on the show and one of my personal favorites. Only the first part of three is up right now, but I encourage you to check it out every so often for the next part, as well as some excellent (and not-so-excellent) articles currently up. I certainly will, and I'll post the link for the second part when it's up! Anyway, take care, and happy holidays!

EDIT (12/18/2007): The second part is up! Check it out here!

EDIT (1/16/2008): And here's the third and final part! Some great music writing overall.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Today's show

If you listened in, I hope you enjoyed tonight's show. There won't be another one for awhile because of winter break, but I'll be back early January, same time, same place. Anyway, here's the playlist:

1. Fridge -- Swerve and Spin
2. Do Make Say Think -- Fredericia
3. Autechre -- Dael
4. Boards of Canada -- The Devil Is In The Details
5. Slint -- Don, Aman
6. My Bloody Valentine -- Swallow
7. God Is an Astronaut -- Forever Lost
8. Talk Talk -- After the Flood
9. Godspeed You! Black Emperor -- Sleep
10. Aphex Twin -- Pulsewidth
11. God Is an Astronaut -- All Is Violent, All Is Bright

And because I forgot to do this last time, here's an iMix of the past two episodes! Yes!!!

A poll should be up later today. And there might be something on Facebook too (anyone who uses it anyway...and who doesn't?)! Stay tuned for that!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Yet another cancelled show

Well, even though I promised a show this week, and even though I was looking forward to it, I have no choice but to cancel tonight's show. This is because I have an immense workload right now (for a college radio DJ like myself, studies have to come first, I'm afraid). Plus, have you looked outside your window? It's snowing...and there's SLEET. The National Weather Service is expecting anywhere between 5-9 inches of snow before this latest storm lets up Monday night. So it's actually a little dangerous out there. I for one don't want to risk slipping and falling and breaking something unless I absolutely have to go out there (such as, here again, classes). But I promise you all out there that there WILL most definitely be a show next week, in the little respite between the end of classes and the beginning of exams week. So in the meantime, I'll try to make up for a lack of show with posts at varying times this week, and I hope everyone does well in their last week of classes! Take care, and stay safe.